World Summit Event for
" Το παγκόσμιο δικαίωμα στη μάθηση και την ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών"
Η πρώτη
παγκόσμια διάσκεψη για την Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας πραγματοποιήθηκε στη
Γενεύη από τις 10 έως τις 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2003.
Στα πλαίσια των εκδηλώσεων οι συμμετέχοντες στις δραστηριότητες του
cyberschoolbus λάβαμε τα ηλεκτρονικά μηνύματα που
Μήνυμα από τον
Tim Berners-Lee
Προς :
Θέμα: [Wses] Message sent from the original web server
Ημερομηνία: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 10:35:03 +0100
Dear young people,
Greetings! I am sending this message to you from the computer I used at CERN to
create the World Wide Web. Today, the compputer was moved and set up at a
special meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. We're talking about technology (computers
and the Internet) and society (laws, and customs, and Governments) and how they
It is great to be here with Kofi Annan, who leads the United Nations. For me,
the UN is the most important organization in the world right now. Laws and
customs develop separately in different countries. The UN can help different
countries agree about what is legal and what is fair.
The Internet and the Web are being designed by all kinds of people -- including
some children -- working together. The designers form "working groups" and
discuss things by email, and telephone conference calls. (See and for details). It is hard work and a lot of fun.
When you are learning about the Web, you may be faster at learning to use
computers than your teachers. But listen to their wisdom about how to behave and
what to believe on the Web.
I hope we all can use the Web to realize that other people are just like
ourselves, even if they speak different languages, or have different abilities.
I believe it is important to preserve our local cultures and languages. We must
also share enough understanding planet-wide to bring peace. Have fun, and think
about what you are doing.
Tim Berners-Lee
Μήνυμα από τον
Kofi Annan
Προς :
Θέμα: [Wses] Message sent from the original web server
Ημερομηνία: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 10:35:03 +0100
Dear young friends,
I am excited to be sending this email from the computer that Tim Berners-Lee
used at CERN to write the original World Wide Web software in 1990 -- just 13
years ago. At that time, no one -- not even Tim -- could have dreamt that within
a few years the Internet would connect millions of people all over the world in
the blink of an eye. Just think how fast it has developed. Today, more
information can be sent over a single cable in one second than was sent over the
entire Internet during a whole month six years ago.
Today, Tim and I are emailing you from Geneva, Switzerland, where world
leaders are gathering to discuss how they can make sure that ommunication and
information technologies benefit everyone. As participants from more than 80
countries in the World Summit Event for Schools, you are an inspiration to us
all. And it's good that on this day, the 55th anniversary of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, you are exercising your right "to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers".
I hope you will keep communicating with each other to build bridges of
understanding between people and countries. By using technology in this way, you
will bring us all closer to a more just and peaceful world, in which access to
the Internet will be a right enjoyed by everyone. May this World Summit help us
to see the world as a domain we all share.
Kofi A. Annan
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